Been here before…

J Burns
1 min readJan 14, 2021

I have been here before.

If you’ve ever experienced depression you know what I am referring to. It is dark, lonely, and, desperate. Add a little anxiety to the mix, and you have the perfect storm. For me, it's cyclical, I can go months, sometimes, years before getting to the bottom, which is where I am now. I am trying to claw myself out, but right now, I am barely hanging on by a thread. Yet- somehow I still drag myself out of bed- pack lunches, get kids out the door, or on their zoom calls, smile when I go to the store, fake my way through phone conversations, and try to seem productive at work. It is painful, and it sucks. Deep down, I guess I know I will persevere but this time feels like the lowest point. Every time I wish for someone to throw me a lifeline, tell me what to do next, or help me start fresh- but alas, “here I am again on my own…”. Thanks- Whitesnake….



J Burns

Mom to two,- first and always. Trying to figure the rest out..